Frequently asked questions from our community. Learn about how Seraph can help with blockchain cyber security.


Additional technical information can be found at help.seraph.co.

Seraph incident responders are all blockchain experts, have been extensively trained, and follow binding response procedures that are provided to us by the protocol owners The Seraph code base and infrastructure have been extensively audited by external experts [Link to audit]

Web3 creators seeking to add an additional layer of defensive security to their product and for users to have additional trust in the protected protocols


Seraph protected functions that are called are monitored 24/7/365 by a team of trained Seraph incident responders who are all blockchain experts who have been extensively trained and follow rigid response procedures that are provided to us by the protocol owners in their runbook

They will react based on the client runbook. Different functions will have different authority levels that will trigger different function-specific response actions

Functions are protected 24/7 by Seraph Depending on the level of Seraph protection you choose and the specific runbooks you establish, we will tailor the SLAs for your particular protocol

Functions are protected 24/7 by Seraph Depending on the level of Seraph protection you choose and the specific runbooks you establish, we will tailor the SLAs for your particular protocol.


A fraudulent transaction request would revert because we would not issue an approval mechanism for the request.

Due to an unprecedented wave of attacks, we have prioritized EVM in the development process. Additional protocols will be deployed in the future.

Seraph is complementary to multisig key protection. Seraph works in conjunction with any existing multi-sig protocols your project already may have established.

Seraph does not store any private user or developer information including private keys

Users can transparently view all protected smart-contracts from the Seraph front end dashboard at [seraph.co] Contract check protections are viewable here as well

Clients can update their runbook at any time by contacting their Seraph engagement manager via secure communications channels.

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